sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2020


I posted this text originally in Portuguese on 13th of May, 2016.

That expression caused a small storm in my brain: 'You need to gain momentum'. Huh ?! 'Did I miss anything?'
People nodded in agreement with the speaker, and I, the same, but with my mind full of little questions. It seemed to me that the rest of the lecture on Dreams and Purpose had that statement as its central axis, and I was itching with curiosity.
My restlessness was not in vain. When I had time, I went to search for that word, a little mystery, which I discovered to be a treasure. It was then that I put the pieces of the puzzle together and understood the difference between dream and DREAM. And how to make the last one HAPPEN.
My research led me to understand that momentum has a lot of what the word suggests, that is, moment and movement. But it is not limited to it. Momentum is a physics concept that has to do with impulse, change. And most essential and significant of all, the strength you put in making the balance tip ‘in your favor’.

But what I also discovered was that the time frame in which one gains momentum requires a pseudo inertia. A quiet moment in the cocoon and the humble crawl of a caterpillar. A good dose of inertia. Yes. But a dignified and effective inertia, enriched by study, preparation, knowledge and reflection, where your dream can be founded on, because where 'there is no foundation, nothing can be built upon…' (Psalm 11: 3) safely. A quiet time where you search to perfect your personal skills and discover abilities that you don't imagine you have on the depths of you. It is also a time of confrontation. The moment of truth, good and 'cruel'. The knowledge of yourself and your TRUE dreams, that is, the dream that was born with you, that was born in your DNA.
This is an essential discovery in the process of gaining momentum, for we often dream about 'the dreams of others', and we end up either not reaching it or when we do, we get frustrated, because they were never ours. It did not belong to us, nor did it possessed us. It was who knows, just a suppressed envy, a childish desire and maybe even an ambition implanted in us by another 'frustrated' with their own never achieved dreams. An alien 'chip', the product of a parental abduction.
Sometimes, it is difficult to reach this stage of personal authenticity for various reasons, such as pressures and external tensions that do not let us hear ‘the voice of our guts’. I really like the word 'guts', which I recently rediscovered in the Sacred Book in a new and different perspective and meaning, and in which in all its references is connected to noble feelings of love, kindness, and even of our true expression in the world.
In the West we relate noble feelings ( or not so noble ) to the heart, a muscle that pulsates involuntarily, but in the Bible the guts, - that's our intestinal, inner parts, and that is often only remembered by us when we have indigestion or when we think about our excretory function (laughs)  - are, in fact, considered our intimate, our deep, secret place, figuratively 'our heart', and that should, therefore, be probed, intimately known and purified from what does NOT BELONG to us or in us. 
A dream to be a DREAM, has to be visceral. It must be formed and born in our guts, to be ours. God seeds and words must fertilize it in us, to be ours. 
Dreams comes from our secret place, if you dare to know it. And it takes a lot of courage! There is no point in your dreams coming from the heart of another person cause each person has its scope, its direction and contribution to this world. Each person has a different DREAM. One mission.  We donate differently. We are, in essence, a dream of God. And God is original in His creation. So we must dare to live our life and our dreams. Being our original self and soul. 
After the stage of pseudo inertia in which we discover the soul of our dream, we finally engage in the fight to make it happen, since we had gained the extraordinary momentum needed to launch. We will finally get out of our comfort zone and take ownership of the moment to make our DREAMS come true.

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2018



imagens by: Rob Gonsalves

sábado, 28 de julho de 2018

2 aninhos

Celebrando 2 anos de lançamento do segundo livro "A CASA".

Ana e João são meus personagens-heróis memoráveis.

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2018


Uma palavra hoje para ampliar horizontes literários, quebrar fronteiras demarcadas e dar asas a imaginação.
Preencha os espaços de seu dia com esta palavra.

Hoje é um dia...

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2018



domingo, 20 de maio de 2018

PENTECOSTES! Beijados por Deus - Kissed by God


O sábio rei Salomão olhou para o céu encoberto por nuvens escuras que toldavam sua visão e afirmou:

`NADA HÁ DE NOVO DEBAIXO DO SOL! O que foi, isso  é  o que há de ser: e o que se fez, isso será de novo!' 

Tudo se repete em uma litania monótona, ciclo após ciclo. Era após era! O que era será de novo!

Sábio rei Salomão! Infeliz e verdadeira visão! Estamos perdidos, mergulhados neste ciclo de coisas velhas que se repetem.

Não! Nada há de novo feito pelos homens debaixo do sol.
Não! Nada há de novo no mundo dos homens!
Não! Estamos presos a ciclo de reviravoltas já conhecidas. Previstas. Já experimentadas. Frustrantes!

Nossos ciclos são já conhecidos. Velhos ciclos. Velhos maquiavélicos conhecidos.

Quem nos salvará das velhas tentativas já experimentadas e que sempre nos levam a um mesmo lugar? Ao início do velho. Ultrapassado. Já passado.

Quem nos beijará para fora deste feitiço!

Quem nos fará atravessar para o NOVO?

Onde encontraremos ressurreição?

Há uma VOZ!

ELA vem do deserto!
ELA vem dos mares!
ELA vem do 'além do sol'.
ELA vem do útero de uma virgem!

Há uma VOZ que soa nas asas do vento: EU faço uma coisa nova!

Alegre-se ó sábio rei!
Estamos salvos de nossos velhos ciclos!

Fomos beijados por Deus! 

O feitiço acabou!
O NOVO chegou!

Há algo NOVO debaixo do sol.



The wise king Solomon looked at the obscure sky darkened by clouds that veiled his vision and said:

'NOTHING IS NEW UNDER THE SUN! What has been will be again and what has been done will be done again!'

Everything repeats itself in a monotonous litany, cycle after cycle. Age after age! What was will be again!

Wise King Solomon! Unhappy and true vision! We are lost, immersed in this cycle of old things that repeat themselves.

No! There is nothing new done by men under the sun.
No! There is nothing new in the world of men!
No! We are stuck in a cycle of twistes already known. Planned. Already tried. Frustrating.

Our cycles are already known. Old cycles. Old crooked known cycles.

Who will save us from the old endeavors already experienced and that always lead us to the same place? At the beginning of the old. Surpassed. Already tasted.

Who will kiss us out of this spell?
Who will make us cross to the NEW?
Where will find resurrection?

There is a Voice!

It comes from the desert!
It comes from the seas!
It comes from 'beyond the sun'!
It comes from the womb of a virgin!

There is a Voice that sounds on the wings of the wind. It whispers: I do a new thing!
Rejoice, O wise king!

We are saved from our old cycles!
We were kissed by God!
The spell is over!
The NEW has arrived!
There is something NEW under the sun.


sábado, 19 de maio de 2018

Book Review - The Daughters of Job by Gardenia Yud

Life Purpose Books

Review: The Daughters of Job


About The Daughters Of Job
Three exceptional women come to the forefront of this fictional story that takes place after the rise of their father, Job, from the depth of his deep pain, despair, and darkness. Each emanates the essence of Job's personal experience that reflect peace, grace, and beauty, yet the women are diverse in character and spiritual strength.   
Jemima faces old enemies of Job, and through them understands traditional precepts as she contemplates her destiny and at the same time guides her father into new alliances with wisdom. The sensitive and wise Keziah embarks on a journey alongside her beloved, spreading the fragrance and fruits of her story along the way. Keren-happuch, always beautiful and vain, goes into an adventure that awakens her to a new level of spirituality that not even the Almighty had been able to make her see.
Through endurance, each of the women discover the meaning of what the old prophet declared and echoes through time – “My ears have heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You.”