O sábio rei Salomão olhou para o céu encoberto por nuvens escuras que toldavam sua visão e afirmou:
`NADA HÁ DE NOVO DEBAIXO DO SOL! O que foi, isso é o que há de ser: e o que se fez, isso será de novo!'
Tudo se repete em uma litania monótona, ciclo após ciclo. Era após era! O que era será de novo!
Sábio rei Salomão! Infeliz e verdadeira visão! Estamos perdidos, mergulhados neste ciclo de coisas velhas que se repetem.
Não! Nada há de novo feito pelos homens debaixo do sol.
Não! Nada há de novo no mundo dos homens!
Não! Estamos presos a ciclo de reviravoltas já conhecidas. Previstas. Já experimentadas. Frustrantes!
Nossos ciclos são já conhecidos. Velhos ciclos. Velhos maquiavélicos conhecidos.
Quem nos salvará das velhas tentativas já experimentadas e que sempre nos levam a um mesmo lugar? Ao início do velho. Ultrapassado. Já passado.
Quem nos beijará para fora deste feitiço!
Quem nos fará atravessar para o NOVO?
Onde encontraremos ressurreição?
Há uma VOZ!
ELA vem do deserto!
ELA vem dos mares!
ELA vem do 'além do sol'.
ELA vem do útero de uma virgem!
Há uma VOZ que soa nas asas do vento: EU faço uma coisa nova!
Alegre-se ó sábio rei!
Estamos salvos de nossos velhos ciclos!
Fomos beijados por Deus!
O feitiço acabou!
O NOVO chegou!
Há algo NOVO debaixo do sol.
The wise king Solomon looked at the obscure sky darkened by clouds that veiled his vision and said:
'NOTHING IS NEW UNDER THE SUN! What has been will be again and what has been done will be done again!'
Everything repeats itself in a monotonous litany, cycle after cycle. Age after age! What was will be again!
Wise King Solomon! Unhappy and true vision! We are lost, immersed in this cycle of old things that repeat themselves.
No! There is nothing new done by men under the sun.
No! There is nothing new in the world of men!
No! We are stuck in a cycle of twistes already known. Planned. Already tried. Frustrating.
Our cycles are already known. Old cycles. Old crooked known cycles.
Who will save us from the old endeavors already experienced and that always lead us to the same place? At the beginning of the old. Surpassed. Already tasted.
Who will kiss us out of this spell?
Who will make us cross to the NEW?
Where will find resurrection?
There is a Voice!
It comes from the desert!
It comes from the seas!
It comes from 'beyond the sun'!
It comes from the womb of a virgin!
There is a Voice that sounds on the wings of the wind. It whispers: I do a new thing!
Rejoice, O wise king!
We are saved from our old cycles!
We were kissed by God!
The spell is over!
The NEW has arrived!
There is something NEW under the sun.
'NOTHING IS NEW UNDER THE SUN! What has been will be again and what has been done will be done again!'
Everything repeats itself in a monotonous litany, cycle after cycle. Age after age! What was will be again!
Wise King Solomon! Unhappy and true vision! We are lost, immersed in this cycle of old things that repeat themselves.
No! There is nothing new done by men under the sun.
No! There is nothing new in the world of men!
No! We are stuck in a cycle of twistes already known. Planned. Already tried. Frustrating.
Our cycles are already known. Old cycles. Old crooked known cycles.
Who will save us from the old endeavors already experienced and that always lead us to the same place? At the beginning of the old. Surpassed. Already tasted.
Who will kiss us out of this spell?
Who will make us cross to the NEW?
Where will find resurrection?
There is a Voice!
It comes from the desert!
It comes from the seas!
It comes from 'beyond the sun'!
It comes from the womb of a virgin!
There is a Voice that sounds on the wings of the wind. It whispers: I do a new thing!
Rejoice, O wise king!
We are saved from our old cycles!
We were kissed by God!
The spell is over!
The NEW has arrived!
There is something NEW under the sun.